Sunday, April 28, 2013

Balotelli Glad Italian Got Minister of Black

It is no secret Italy is known as a country with a high follow-racist. Included in the football scene. AC Milan striker Mario Balotelli became one of the black football player who quite often are victims of racist attitudes fans. Therefore, Balotelli was excited when the Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, appointed the first black staff in ministerial departments.

Saturday (27/4), the Italian government with Prime Minister Enrico Letta, officially inaugurated several staff ministers, including the Minister for Integration Kyenge Cecile. Interestingly, Cecile itself merupakanmenteri black berukulit first in the history of the Italian government.

"Cecile Kyenge nomination as Minister for Integration is a step forward towards a more civilized Italian society, more responsible and more aware of the need for better integration and definitive of all people," said Balotelli.

The statement released on their official website with the name Milan Balotelli. Recently, Balotelli was in the list of 100 most influential people in the world by TIME Magazine.

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